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Luxe Links
Permanent Jewelry 

What is Permanent Jewelry ? (PJ)

Permanent jewelry refers to a piece (usually a necklace or bracelet) that's welded together instead of secured with a clasp. Just as there are many reasons people wear regular jewelry, there are different reasons they choose to wear permanent jewelry.

How Long does it Last?

How Much does it Cost ?


  The longevity of permanent jewelry, depends on various factors, including the type of jewelry used, and how well it is cared for. *Changes in body chemistry with gold filled and sterling silver may cause jewelry to tarnish over time*

After Care

Avoid excessive use of lotions, perfumes and chemicals. Wash gently with cloth and dish soap.

   The cost of permanent jewelry varies depending on the type of jewelry, and the location. Prices start at $45/bracelet. Connectors or charms can be added for an additional fee. 

Can PJ be removed ?

Yes. Please contact Luxe Links for Removal. 

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